iTeleCenter is an 800 Voicemail system, 24/7 Recorded Message Hotline, Virtual Phone System and a Fax Line all in one.
1. I Surrender - I admit that of myself, I have limited power to solve my problems and limited power to improve my life. I need help and welcome it into my life.
2. I Believe - I come to believe that a power greater than myself - The Master Mind - can change my life.
3. I am Ready to be Changed - I realize that erroneous self-defeating thinking is the cause of my problems, unhappiness fears and failures. I am ready to have my beliefs and attitudes changed so my life can be transformed.
4. I Decide to be Changed - I make a decision to surrender my will and my life to The Master Mind. I ask to be changed at depth.
5. I Forgive - I forgive myself for all my mistakes and shortcomings. I also forgive all other persons who may have harmed me.
6. I Ask -
a. I make known my specific requests, asking my partners' support, in knowing that The Master Mind is fulfilling my needs.
b. We know that the Master Mind has heard you and is providing what you have asked for, or something better!
7. I Give Thanks - I give thanks that the Master Mind is responding to my needs and I know my requests are being fulfilled.
8. I Dedicate My Life - I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that The Master Mind is supplying me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful and happy life. I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to The Master Mind and those around me; to live in a manner that sets the highest example for others to follow and to remain responsive to The Master Mind's guidance. I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement, and expectancy. I am at peace.
Thank You Master Mind!